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Founded on 1 January 2002, Sinergy Commerce S.A. is one of two limited companies that emerged from Martigny's municipal industrial departments. Its sister company, Sinergy Infrastructure S.A., owns and operates the network infrastructure, while Sinergy Commerce S.A. oversees the marketing of energy services (electricity, natural gas and remote heating), telecommunications services and drinking water.

Launched as far back as 1997, internet by cable was developed and supplemented by the multimedia services (digital television, broadband internet and telephone services) that are currently available via any wall socket within the Bovernier, Charrat, Fully, Martigny, Martigny-Combe and Vernayaz cable networks.

The cable network consists primarily of fibre optic cables that are hooked up to buildings, thereby ensuring high quality services that are geared toward the future. Thanks to its local reach, "Sinergy simplifies your life"!

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