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Packages and add-ons

Take advantage of the best rates while you’re abroad or when making international calls from Switzerland with one of our mobile packages or add-ons.


Do you occasionally travel abroad or want to continue enjoying high-speed internet after using up the data included in your mobile subscription? With our data and call packages, you can surf the internet and make calls at low prices whenever you need to.

Simply connect to cockpit net+ and add the package best suited to you.

Packages for Switzerland (valid for 30 days)

Minutes package: 100 minutes of calls to Zone 1: CHF 15
Data package: 2 GB full speed internet: CHF 10

Packages for abroad (valid for 1 year)

 Minutes package*Data packages
 60 min10 MB50 MB500 MB1 GB
 Region ACHF 15---CHF 15
 Region B---CHF 40-
 Region C--CHF 50--
 Region D-CHF 50---

Prices in CHF, VAT included, subject to change without notice.
* from Region A to Region A and to Switzerland


Do you regularly travel outside of Switzerland? Do you frequently make calls abroad from Switzerland? Personalise your subscription so it better suits your needs. You can activate additional minutes and/or data to supplement your original subscription, and it will be automatically applied every month.

Log in to your customer area or your cockpit to see your Mobile subscription in detail and access the add-ons available to you.

  “Additional Minutes”   Monthly price  
 100 minutes of calls from Switzerland to Zone 1CHF 15
  60 minutes of calls from Region A to Region A and to Switzerland   CHF 15
  “Additional Data” 
 1 GB in region ACHF 15

Once you’ve subscribed, the add-ons will be available with immediate effect. It will then be renewed automatically on the 1st of each month and can be terminated by contacting your net+ operator (cancellation at the end of the month subject to a three-month notice period). The add-ons are not available for MobiStart subscriptions. Prices in CHF. VAT included, subject to change.


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